
Friday, August 11, 2017

So, not that anybody actually gives a shit about what I'm up to most of the time...

I am not polite to people who don't deserve me--or anyone else--being polite to them. Those persons include but are certainly not limited to trollz on the various blogs I visit.

I am exceedingly impolite to those who insist on being douchenozzles after being told, repeatedly, that they are douchenozzles (and that telling being done in polite terms by other bloggers with more restraint, better breeding or a higher tolerance--possibly due to family dynamics I do NOT want to even imagine).

With that background I decided to post the comment that follows, because it seems to me that a few people might want to read it and it got scrubbed, twice, in a pretty quick hurry.

I have no problem with being banned from a blog. It's happened before, in all likelihood it will happen again. When you say vile, profane things to people it will tend to upset them and, if they have the ability to NOT have to see it, they will do whatever they can to NOT see it. Unless of course you're the current embarassment in the Oval Office. That's a whole different thing.

Here it is:

I see that David Brayton has removed a lot of comments which he finds objectionable--including this one.
"In reply to this from David Brayton:
"DemoCommie--I'm tired of your petulant behavior. Your insults are not welcome. Any more of this behavior and you will be banned."
You gonna ban the trolls, too?
You don't like me, I get that. You don't like the way I talk, I get that too. You tolerate liars and trolls who infest the threads; I don't get that. Can you tell us why?
If you think my insults are inappropriate, I would suggest that you consider why they are going out and to whom they are directed.
Ban me if you like. I'm tired of your threats to ban me for my language on the comments threads or for being something less than your "ideal" of a commenter, while taking no apparent action to eliminate the trolls who have been polluting the threads here for several months, at least. They don't come here to argue or discuss, they come here to stir shit and disrupt the threads--I find it impossible to believe that you don't know that. So, why you tolerate their behaviour and not mine is a question that I would love to hear your answer to.
Do whatever it is that you need to do. I'm tired of being threatened while a far worse thing than my language-- that thing being the absolute dishonesty of the trolls--seems to be perfectly okay with you.
And if you ban me, expect some "Thank you's" from the people whose only purpose in coming here is hijack threads and complain to you about their mistreatment while they're busy taking a dump in the punchbowl.
And I see that it seems you've already started removing my comments, well--so I guess we'll just have to wait and see if you remove this one which doesn't really seem to have any terribly inappropriate language in it.
It appears that lying is okay--as long as we're civil about it."
It's always of course his privilege to do what he likes. Apparently he likes liars and dislikes profanity.
Thanks to those of you who have supported Ed and his blog and provided a lot of information and analysis.
It will be interesting to see if this gets scrubbed off, again. When someone decides to selectively edit what is on a thread--not for reasons of truth and accuracy but to maintain order, well, that's their privilege, as I said. Otoh, removing those other comments that are found objectionable would give most the impression that the persons making them had been the ones who derailed the conversation.
Since this comment will probably be removed--like the one I made last night-- I’ll just have to struggle along with the terrible burden of spending my time somewhere else--which, no doubt, will make Mr. Brayton and at least a few trolls VERY happy.
THIS, is somewhere else. I can say what I like here, knowing that few if any other people will take note of it.
Commenting here is complicated by the fact that a number of genuine scumbagz have the habit of using this place for a toilet. For that reason ALL comments are moderated. That might change when I have a better idea who somebody is, but life is about compromises, I guess> {;>)

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